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Practice Definitions  | Municipal Law

Municipal Law

Municipal Law image
Municipal Law is a mixture of ordinances, regulations, bylaws and decisions that govern a municipality. Because municipalities have many and various responsibilities, the law in this area covers a broad range of issues.

A municipality is a city, town or local government unit, formed by municipal charter from the state as a municipal corporation. Its purpose is to govern local affairs such as zoning, the delivery of services such as water and police protection, and the administration of local departments like the school system.

Local ordinances are drafted and/or enforced by governing bodies of (sometimes) elected officials such as the city council, school boards, planning boards or zoning boards. Hearings before these boards on local business or controversies are usually open to the public. Decisions on local matters may be appealed, and if they involve a federal issue, may even be heard all the way to the Supreme Court.
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