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Practice Definitions  | Environmental Law

Environmental Law

Environmental Law image
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) was passed in 1970 along with the Environmental Quality Improvement Act, the Environmental Education Act, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Environmental Law encompasses these federal enactments that are aimed to protect the environment against both public and private actions that fail to take account of costs or harm inflicted on the eco-system (environment).

Environmental law governs human involvement in the land, waters and air, generally including any impact on the atmosphere, organic and inorganic matter, and living organisms. Environment law also deals with the socio-economic, health and cultural impacts of the environment.
Should I hire a lawyer?
Are you planning on buying a business? Do you have questions concerning regulatory compliance and permitting? Do you need counseling on air and water quality regulations or toxic tort litigation? If you can answer yes to any of these questions or you have other questions about environmental law and its impact on your business, you should consult with a lawyer. Use the State Lawyers Directory to find a qualified environmental law attorney that's right for you.
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